Trager sessions may last between 60 to 90 minutes. In an initial interview the practitioner will take a medical history and discuss a client’s needs and goals.

For the table work you will be invited to lie on a well padded massage table, in a safe, comfortable environment. Soft, loose clothing can be worn, or underwear. Whatever you decide, you will be covered with a warm sheet which the practitioner can work through or which can be discreetly drawn back for working on specific areas.

In an atmosphere of calm, your body will be supported and gently moved within its enjoyable range and natural rhythms, communicating a feeling of freedom and ease. As you soften, internal connections and resonances create a new understanding of your inner self, tensions melt away and a new breadth of movement becomes possible.

At some point during the session you will receive guidance in the use of Mentastics: gentle movements tailored to suit your personal needs. They are an important part of the Trager session. Dr. Trager developed Mentastics to encourage a playful exploration of “what could be freer” for your body. Integrating these simple, self-care movements into your daily life will allow you to enhance and recall feelings of ease, flexibility and freedom.

How it can help

The Trager Approach has been found by clients to help with a wide range of problems including neurological, physical and stress-related symptoms. It is best to talk directly to a practitioner to see how he/she can help you