Trager consists of three main elements


1. Table Work

For table work, the client is lying on a padded couch and is gently moved by the practitioner. Depending on the client this element of the work may be done with the client lying prone or supine or on their side. If a client cannot lie comfortably then the Trager Practitioner can work with the client sitting or standing.

In the table work practitioners induce gentle and pleasurable movement to increase awareness of sensation and the ability of the client to move. Waves of motion pass through the body until they meet resistance, where they are absorbed. This happens below the conscious ability to move one’s self, so perception is taken into ever deeper levels of sensation and freedom of movement. This, in turn, allows the resistance to release. As it does so, a freer range of motion, feeling and understanding replaces any habitual response. At the same time, buried memories can safely return to consciousness without triggering feelings of fear and anxiety or the original conditioning.


2. Mentastics®

Mentastics is an empowering self-care mindful movement education. It involves the client actively participating in their own movement and mindfully cultivating a sense of ease and comfort.

Mentastics focus on how the range and quality of movement changes with awareness and different thoughts, since what and how we think can affect our freedom of movement. During your session your practitioner will suggest various mentastics to use in your own daily life.

Mentastics enables you to affirm the table work and to explore new sensations at even deeper levels. Essentially, Mentastics teaches adults to play enjoyably again.


3. Reflex Response

Reflex Response is advanced hands-on work. The client is asked to gently work with the practitioner in very specific ways, in order to stimulate the nervous system. This awakens the mind/body process thereby increasing awareness.

During the table work Reflex Response techniques may be used to reawaken movement, by stimulating specific muscles and the nervous system. It brings flexibility to restricted areas of the body and reawakens core stability.